Unranked Smurfs
ALL botted accounts come with lifetime warranty & Full Access. 40,000-200,000 Blue essence Available.
Regions in stock: EUW/NA/EUNE/TR/LAN/LAS/OCE/BR/RU

Handlevel Accounts
The perfect account if you are looking for a new main! All accounts come with 0% Ban Chance & Recovery Details.
Aram & MMR handlevels for sale
Regions: EUW/NA/EUNE

Select A Skin On Your Smurf
Select your Favourite skin to be on your new smurf! We have EVERY skin on the game for sale starting from €10!
ALL Skin Accounts are Ranked Ready with minimum 70% Win Rate in the 10 normal games needed to unlock ranked solo/duo.
EUW/NA/EUNE In stock!

Ranked Accounts
IRON to Master Ranked accounts in stock!
ALL accounts will come with Full Access & Positive win rates. What are you waiting for?

League Boosting
After analysing prices with over 30 websites in this market we ensure that our customers receive the cheapest boosting prices available!
If our prices aren't the cheapest, we will refund you the difference. Providing you with peace of mind & confidence in our commitment to offering you the best value.
Regions: EUW/NA/EUNE

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Where will my account be delivered to?
All account details will be sent to the email you enter when you checkout. Please enter this correctly to ensure that you get your account with no problems.
Why is Gee Smurfs so cheap compared to other sites?
The truth is we are selling EXACTLY the same product as the other sites that sell Unranked smurf accounts at €10+. Im not a greedy person and i know that providing customers with value for money is much better in the longrun than rip off prices!
Trust in GeeSmurfs! Customers 1st Profits 2nd
How do I change the e-mail and/or password?
To change either the email or password to the account please login (using the details sent to you) to the riot website and change them on there.